Overview & Instructions
2022 Great Everett Scavenger Hunt

It’s summer fun time! Are you ready to help animals and have a good time doing it? Awesome! Then, join us for this year’s Great Everett Scavenger Hunt.
Get out and enjoy our city! This is your chance — a perfect opportunity and a wonderful excuse — to visit places you’ve never seen, right in your own backyard. Find hidden gems that you never knew existed and can visit again and again for years to come!
For this event, our hand-painted pet portraits will be hidden in more than 40 business locations all over the Everett metro area. You’ll find portraits in coffee houses, breweries, banks, clothing boutiques, furniture stores, restaurants, art galleries, and so many more colorful places you probably have never thought to explore.
Your mission — should you choose to accept it (and why o’ why wouldn’t you) — is to visit businesses in search of these portraits. When you find a portrait, you’ll log it with our event app to access exclusive coupons and be entered to win prizes.
Starting July 1, you’ll have 31 days to complete the hunt. Yes, you read that correctly — a full 31 days. You can start Day 1 and leisurely visit businesses within the metro area over the entire month, or if you’re very energetic (and/or get a late start), you can find all the pet portraits in a single day. It’s entirely up to you and how you’d like to enjoy the experience.
This event is FREE and open to all ages!
- Complete the event registration form. (Registration Details)
- Confirm you can access the scavenger hunt map included in your event confirmation email.
- During the month of July, go to the locations listed on the scavenger hunt map.
- When you locate a pet portrait picture, use your phone and scan the QR code next to the artwork.
- Click the Start button when the browser window opens.
- Enter the email address you used to register.
- Take a selfie of you -- or your team -- with the pet portrait you found and post the photo to your social media accounts. (optional)
- Follow the business where you found the pet portrait on social media. (optional)
- Collect/enjoy any coupons that are available via the event app.
- Click the Submit button.
- Keep repeating this process until you’ve found all the hidden portraits.
IMPORTANT: Prizes will be determined based on the data captured from the QR code so don’t skip this step!
To participate in this event, you’ll need a mobile device* that’s capable of scanning a QR code. Most modern mobile devices — iOS, Android, and Windows-based — are capable of scanning QR codes.
To confirm that your mobile device is QR code friendly and/or to confirm you understand the process, scan this sample QR code. You’ll know everything worked correctly for this test if you landed on the Great Everett Scavenger Hunt registration page.
*For those without mobile devices, paper maps and punch cards will be available at hunt locations. If you are using a punch card instead of scanning QR codes, you must turn in your completed punch card to our studio at the Everett Mall at 1402 SE Everett Mall Way Everett, WA 98208 by no later than August 1, 2022, to be considered for prizes.
All participants are encouraged to take selfies of themselves each time they find a new pet portrait in a local establishment and post the selfies on their social media accounts with the #pawswithcause hashtag -- telling the world that they’re participating in the Great Everett Scavenger Hunt and helping rescue animals get seen outside the cages!
There are many ways to WIN … Simply by participating, you help rescue animals get seen outside cages, increasing awareness and pet adoptions, so that’s outstanding. Then, many of the participating merchants are offering special coupons to scavenger hunters. Oh, and of course, we’re giving out prizes to hunters who achieve certain goals such as finding the most pet portraits, finding the most portraits the quickest, etc. Plus, everyone who finds all the available portraits will be entered into a drawing for a prize as well.
What’s more, those who post the most #pawswithcause pet portrait selfies will be recognized, and selfies of people who generate the most positive interest and buzz will be posted to the PawsWithCause Facebook page (@pawswithcause1) and shared during the wrap-up party at the conclusion of the event. Event participants do not need to be present at the after-event, wrap-up party to win prizes. Prizes will be available for pick up at our Everett Mall studio location on August 6, 2022, 11:30 am to 1 pm PT, or by prior arrangement. Contact us at info@PawsWithCause.org if you have questions.
For more event information, check out these pages: